Thursday, September 3, 2009

"The Ashton Manual"
By Professor Heather Ashton DM, FRCP

Protocol for the treatment of benzodiazepine withdrawal.

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Tranquilizers and Antidepressants: Know the Side Effects

Tranquilizers and Antidepressants: Know the Side Effects is a revised and updated edition to Shirley Trickett's highly successful European and American book Free Yourself from Tranquilizers and Sleeping Pills: A Natural Approach. Her book has a step-by-step program for gradual withdrawal from these addictive substances. It prepares you for possible withdrawal symptoms and explains the natural therapies that effectively address any discomfort you may experience.

Author Shirley Trickett treats you as a complete person, not just a combination of physical symptoms. With clarity and compassion, she offers you the guidance and support necessary to manage your withdrawal. Her constant reassurance - mixed with sound advice on getting support from friends, family and recovery groups - will help you find the strength to persevere towards health and freedom. Above all, her approach is optimistic, always reminding you that you will win through to recovery.

This new updated version has Shirley's added information about possible reasons for prolonged protracted withdrawal, insight into new therapies, updated information on SSRI withdrawal and much much more.

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'I felt you were speaking directly to me in your tranquilizer book. I was so tired of being told I was suffering from 'executive stress' or even once, that it was my age! I was only forty seven at the time. Thank you.'
Anthony, London

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Thursday, August 27, 2009

The Accidental Addict
by Di Porritt & Di Russell
"The Accidental Addict is and excellent self-help book, offering support, hope and encouragement as well as a full description of benzo symptoms and personal stories of recovery. This book is a very important resource for people having problems discontinuing benzodiazepines."

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only $37.00